Open Access

Table 3

Statistical table of core variables

Name Number Mean Min Max standard d. VIF
GDL Regional green development 150 0.2651 0.1372 0.4857 0.0827
EI Industrial enterprise innovation 150 0.1972 0.0100 0.9691 0.1719 1.761
IS Rationalization of industrial structure 150 1.5928 0.5369 3.0051 0.5795 2.734
ID Regional resource dependence 150 0.0067 0.0101 0.0477 0.0088 1.374
UR Urban-rural income gap 150 0.0804 0.0183 0.2183 0.0354 3.896
EE Ecological resource endowments 150 35.1538 4.8700 66.8000 18.2535 1.418
EQ Environmental quality 150 33.3093 9.5661 68.1768 11.0324 1.396
ED Level of economic development 150 10.9801 10.2182 12.0086 0.3927 2.719

Note: The dependent variable GDL does not require a VIF test. When the VIF value is less than 10, it means that there is no need to worry about multicollinearity.

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